There is a story in the Old Testament that captures an exchange between God and King David. At the time David expressed a strong desire to build a temple for God. After all David was living in a nice palace while the temple of God was housed in a tent. But God told him that yes, a temple would be built, but David wouldn’t be the one to build it. Instead God told David that he, “Now I will make your name as famous as anyone who has ever lived on the earth” (I Chronicles 17:8 NLT). And that “His throne would be secure forever” (vs. 12).
David was awestruck that he should be afforded such honor and responded with thanksgiving and humility by stating to God, “You know what I am really like” (vs. 18). So, what was David like? He was a:
- Murderer
- Adulterer
- Abuser of power
- Deceiver
- Filled with lust
- Manipulator
Not exactly the godly credentials of a king. Not exactly one worthy of the accolades God promised him. And yet that’s exactly who God chose to lead Israel. And that’s exactly the person who would be the ancestor to the coming Messiah.
It’s important to remember, in a story such as this one, that the Bible isn’t so much about the characters in its pages as it is about the story of God, and how he is actively involved in the lives of people. May you be encouraged in knowing that God is a pursuer and lover of people…including you! And that God deeply loves you in spite of knowing what you are really like (or maybe because of what you are really like). May this be of encouragement to you today.